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Horse Betting Previews
Horse Racing Picks by Dietz for Aqueduct
December 2, 2023
I am hoping this track is sloppy. I will be handicapping this track as SLOPPY. Pay attention
Race 2
5 - HIP SONG - Saez/DeAngelo. Sire is CURLIN who can run in the slop with ease. $300,000 purchase is lookign to brake maiden and move up Lean to win.
6 - IGNITE THE LIGHT - Cancel/Dutrow. Red hot trainer of late. INTO MISCHIEF offspring fire well first time out and do well in the slop.
8 - COOL OPERATOR -Franco/Gargan. Frist timer from Gargan looks ready to run. Should take to the slop with ease. Use in all wagers.
Race 5
1A - KANT BEAT THE ROCK - Castillo/Jacobsen. Sire is very very good in the slop. Must use.
5 - MANDATORY - Maragh/Kimmel. Four starts in the slop, two winsa and a place. Major threat. Good work in the slop as well.
6 - BROOKLYN DIAMONDS - Lezcano/RIce. Red hot combo. Top 3.
Race 10
2 - EVERSO MISCHIEVIOUS - Torres/Cox. Win over the slop and sire is so good with wet track. Major threat.
5 - DR. ARDITO - Franco/Brown. Chad Brown with a horse that is horse for course and slop wins. Top 2, lean to win.
8 - OFFOLY COOL - Adorno/Solis. 20–1 Morning line, but it wont go off 20-1. SIre is really good in the slop. Could be a PICK 5 buster.
Thanks for horse racing with Dietz
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